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SentiStocks Bitcoin widget – UPDATE

On 28th of August 2020, we announced our cooperation with, where you can find Sentistocks widget for daily Bitcoin trend predictions. As we constantly improve our tool, today we would like to give you a small update about what has changed so far.

Significant increase in number of analyzed mentions

When we first announced our widget and showed it publicly, our model was analyzing around 2 000 mentions about Bitcoin per day. Constant work on Sentistocks and its improvement, led us to the point, where currently over 75 000 of mentions are being analyzed every day. It’s an increase by 3750% (!).

Bitcoin widget. Cosmetic change in displaying emotions data

In the first version, our widget was showing “Volume of emotions”:

Which we decided to replace with “Difference of emotions”:

Why? Because after internal analysis and feedback received from users, we concluded that percentage representation of actual change in emotions is easier to read and more intuitive.

What is your opinion about changes we made in our Bitcoin widget? Feel free to let us know on Facebook, we appreciate every feedback.

Our innovative approach to crypto analysis focuses on the measurement of 8 emotions to accurately predict the price trend of market assets. We’re working intensively to maximize our model’s effectiveness and based on the example of Bitcoin, you can check our results here.

If you would like to find out more about Sentistocks, or place our widget on your website contact us via email: We also encourage you to join our private Facebook group (password to join the group: “SENART0121”), where we share our prediction for the next day each day at a fixed time.