Sentistocks has predicted a BTC fall on May 13, 2021

In the morning hours of 13 May, a significant drop in the Bitcoin exchange rate was recorded.  The “Sentistocks” tool predicted this decline.

Was the drop in the BTC exchange rate expected?

A prediction made on 12 May at 15:00 UTC for the avg BTC exchange rate for the next 24 hours (24H prediction) showed that a fall in the exchange rate should be expected. However, only the predictions made for shorter periods (in the interval of 4 hours and 1 hour) showed what the dynamics of the fall would be.

4H prediction – first signal of the depth of the fall

Predictions made for intervals of 4 hours (4H prediction) showed that the signaled decline in the exchange rate of avg BTC could reach a level of more than 6% already in the early morning hours of 13 May.

1 H prediction – an effective signaler

However, only predictions made at 1-hour intervals (1H prediction) showed what the actual depth of the decline in the avg BTC exchange rate on May 13 could be.  And as the chart shows at 01:00 UTC on 13 May, the BTC avg xchange rate was predicted to fall by more than 12% from the avg exchange rate at 15:00 UTC on 12 May 2021. The predictions made in 1 hour intervals showed that the last moment to exit the long position was 23:00 UTC 12 May 2021.

BTC 1 hour prediction

Access to the full range of predictions (in 24; 8; 4 and 1 hour intervals) is available to members of the “Sentistocks” group.